Student Wellbeing in Nature

Teacher Professional Development

Designed for all educators of school aged children, this professional development will support you to build meaningful and mindful ways of teaching into your curriculum.

Drawing on international research and extensive experience connecting students with nature, our Educators will demonstrate how to lead outdoor nature-based practices, why this is important for students, and how you can apply this in your school or local area.

What we cover:

  • Outdoor play and what has changed
  • Benefits of being in nature 
  • Links to science that support getting students outside 
  • Hands on outdoor activities to incorporate into your teaching   
  • Suitable spaces and places in your school and local neighbourhood   

The program will include immersions in:  

  • Creative and sensory nature-based activities 
  • Meditation session led by qualified mindfulness instructor Carolyn Shurey
  • Nature Journaling - Release your inner creative as artist Claire Mosley leads you through a nature journaling workshop, drawing inspiration from plants.