Early Childhood Outdoor Learning Network Training Package

ECO Learning Network Training Package

This training has been designed to assist teachers and educators who are interested in taking children into nature or who are looking for support to strengthen their existing programs. Presented by leaders and pioneers in the field of Australian early childhood nature programs - Doug Fargher, Lisa Coxon and Karen Anderson - the program is held over 3 sessions, including a site visit to a nature kindergarten in action. 
The package includes:

  1. Half day workshop that covers the framework requirements as well as the Nuts and Bolts of creating an outdoor program. 
  2. One site visit where participants have the opportunity to view children interacting within the outdoor space. (For an extra fee participants can visit other sites.)
  3. After the site visits a second workshop is planned to reflect on what has been observed and then begin planning for the next steps of taking children into nature. 


  • March 4, March 25 Melbourne Gardens
  • May 17, June 7: Cranbourne Gardens
  • 6 August, 27 August: Melbourne Gardens

The program is available on the School Readiness Funding Menu but you can also sign up directly. Contact training.ecoln@gmail.com