Tom May
Principal Research Scientist
Tom May has research interests in the taxonomy, ecology and conservation of larger fungi, and in related historical, bibliographic and nomenclatural aspects. Tom is active in national and international organisations, including as a member of the International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi, Secretary of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi, and Deputy Chair of Taxonomy Australia. Tom co-ordinates the fungi component of the Australian National Species List and is a Subject Editor for the Australian Journal of Taxonomy. He has published widely, including catalogue volumes in the Fungi of Australia Series, the book Wild Mushrooming, the app FunKey – Key to Agarics and more than 100 articles in refereed journals. He is the lead editor for Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants and a co-editor of the Code. Tom has participated in several documentary films including The Giants and Follow the Rain. Tom is a Fellow of the International Mycological Association and his contributions to science and citizen science have also been recognised by award of the Nancy T. Burbidge Medal, by the Australasian Systematic Botany Society, and the Australian Natural History Medallion.
Fiala, J., Battlogg, M., Bösking, J., Buchauer, K., May, T.W., Pannwitz, A., Peintner, U. & Siewert, B. (2025). Photoantimicrobial anthraquinones in Australian fungi of the genus Cortinarius. Fitoterapia 182(10642): 1-10.
Douch, J.K., Vaughan, L.J., Cooper, J.A., Holmes, G.D., Robinson, R., Stefani, F., Idnurm, I. & May, T.W. (2024). Taxonomic revision of fleshy species of Hydnellum, Neosarcodon, and Sarcodon (Thelephorales) from Australasia. Mycologia 116: 965–992.
Guard, F.E., Dearnaley, J., May, T.W. & Lebel, T. (2024). Untangling Horsehair fungi in Australia: Marasmius crinis-equi (Marasmiaceae) and related taxa. Mycological Progress 23,60: 1–27.
May, T.W., Vaughan, L.J., Holmes, G.D., Brand, E., Pegrem-Brand, F., Pegrem-Brand, L. & Siegel, N. (2024). Citizen scientists detect the fungus Onygena corvina (Onygenales, Ascomycota) in New South Wales, Australia. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 72: 1–11.
Hyde, K.D. et al. [including May, T.W.] (2024). The 2024 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 15(1): 5146–6239.
Amor, M.D., Barmos, S., Cameron, H.E., Hartnett, C., Hodgens, N., Jamieson, L., May, T.W., McMullan-Fisher, S., Robinson, A. & Rutter, N.J. (2024). On the trail of a critically endangered fungus: a world-first application of wildlife detection dogs to fungal conservation. iScience 27:109729: 1–9.
Nilsen, A.R., Plett, J.M., May, T.W., Lebel, T., Brown, C.M., Catcheside, D.E.A. & Orlovich, D.A. (2024). Navigating the labyrinth – searching for mechanistic clues to explain the evolution of sequestrate Agaricales with labyrinthine internal chambers. Fungal Biology Reviews 49,6100380: 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbr.2024.100380
Yurkov, A.M., Visagie C.M., Crous, P.W., Hashimoto, A., Baschien, C., Begerow, D., Kemler, M., Schoutteten, N., Stadler, M., Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Zhang, N., Boekhout, T., ICTF Yeast Working Group, May, T.W., Thines, M., & Hawksworth, D.L. (2024) Cultures as types and the utility of viable specimens for fungal nomenclature. IMA Fungus 15:20: 1–12. https://imafungus.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s43008-024-00155-8
Karakehian, J.M., Truong, C., Miller, A.N. & May, T.W. (2024). Circumscribing Propolis farinosa (Fungi, Ascomycota) II: Typification of Tremella saligna, a synonym, based on a study of original material of Albertini & Schweinitz. Muelleria 42: 63–71.
Lebel, T., May, T.W., Cooper, J.A., Catcheside, D., Catcheside, P. & Haska, J. (2024). Confirming the presence of five exotic species of Amanita in Australia and New Zealand. Swainsona 38: 1–44. https://data.environment.sa.gov.au/Content/Publications/JABG38P001_Lebel.pdf
Hodgson, S.E., McKenzie, C., May, T.W. & Greene, S.L. (2023). A comparison of the accuracy of mushroom identification applications using digital photographs. Clinical Toxicology 61: 166–172. https://doi.org/10.1080/15563650.2022.2162917
Craig, S., Vaughan, L.J., Holmes, G.D. & May, T.W. (2023). Pseudobaeospora taluna (Fungi: Agaricales) newly described from southern Australia. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 24: 1–16. https://www.taxonomyaustralia.org.au/_files/ugd/3c4d51_14d3bc39e3a040b09d90a242894e9976.pdf
Franić, I., Allan, E., Prospero, S., Adamson, K., Attorre, F., et al. [including May, T.W.] (2023) Climate, host and geography shape insect and fungal communities of trees. Scientific Reports 13:11570: 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-36795-w
Hyde et al. [including May, T.] (2023). Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 14(1): 1960–2012. https://www.mycosphere.org/pdf/MYCOSPHERE_14_1_23-1.pdf
Abarenkov, K., Nilsson, H., Larsson, K.-H., Taylor, A.F.S., May, T.W., Frøslev, T., Pawlowska, J., Lindahl, B., Põldmaa, K., Truong, C., Vu, D., Hosoya, T., Niskanen, T., Piirmann, T., Ivanov, F., Zirk, A., Peterson, M., Cheeke, T., Ishigami, Y., Jansson, A., Jeppesen, T., Kristiansson, E., Mikryukov, V., Miller, J., Oono, R., Ossandon, F., Paupério, J., Saar, I., Schigel, D., Suija, A., Tedersoo, L. & Koljalg, U. (2023). The UNITE database for molecular identification and taxonomic communicatiown of fungi and other eukaryotes: sequences, taxa, and classifications reconsidered. Nucleic Acids Research 52: D791–D797. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkad1039
Li, Q.-Z., Liu, S.-L., Wang, X.-W., May, T.W. & Zhou, L.-W. (2022) Redelimitation of Heteroradulum (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota) with H. australiense sp. nov. MycoKeys 86: 87–101. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.86.76425
Lebel, T., Davoodian, N., Bloomfield, M.C., Syme, K., May, T.W., Hosaka, K. & Castellano, M.A. (2022). A mixed bag of sequestrate fungi from five different families: Boletaceae, Russulaceae, Psathyrellaceae, Strophariaceae, and Hysterangiaceae. Swainsona 36: 33–65 (2022). https://data.environment.sa.gov.au/Content/Publications/JABG36P033_Lebel.pdf
Thiele, K.R., Harvey, M.S., Hutchings, P., May, T.W., Melville, J., & Travouillon, K.J. (2022). Introducing the Australian Journal of Taxonomy, a new, fully-online, fully open-access journal for the rapid publication of new Australian species and other taxa. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 1: 1–7. https://www.taxonomyaustralia.org.au/_files/ugd/173494_3f82ffb1316048fe8f1ec6aaa6c975b3.pdf
Mueller, G.M., Cunha, K.M., May, T.W., Allen, J.L., Westrip, J.R.S., Canteiro, C., Costa-Rezende, D.H., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Vasco-Palacios, A.M., Ainsworth, A.M., Alves-Silva, G., Bungartz, F., Chandler, A., Gonçalves, S.C., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Iršėnaitė, R., Jordal, J.B., Kosmann, T., Lendemer, J., McMullin, R.T., Mešić, A., Motato-Vásquez, V., Ohmura, Y., Næsborg, R.R., Perini, C., Saar, I., Simijaca, D., Yahr, R., Dahlberg, A. (2022) What do the first 597 global fungal Red List assessments tell us about the threat status of fungi? Diversity 14, 736: 1–25. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14090736
Liu, S.L., He, S.H., Wang, X.W., May, T.W., He, G., Chen, S.L. & Zhou, L.W. (2022). Trechisporales emended: a segregation of Sistotremastrales ord. nov. (Basidiomycota). Mycosphere 13(1): 862–954. https://www.mycosphere.org/pdf/MYCOSPHERE_13_1_11-1.pdf
Zhou, L.-W. & May, T.W. (2022) Fungal taxonomy: current status and research agendas for the interdisciplinary and globalisation era. Mycology 14:1, 52–59. https://doi.org/10.1080/21501203.2022.2103194
Franić, I., Prospero, S., Adamson, K. et al. [including May, T.] (2022) Worldwide diversity of endophytic fungi and insects associated with dormant tree twigs. Scientific Data 9, 62: 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01162-3.
Oktalira, F.T., May, T.W., Dearnaley, J.D.W. & Linde, C.C. (2021). Seven new Serendipita species associated with Australian terrestrial orchids. Mycologia 113: 968–987. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2021.1919848
Põlme, S., Abarenkov, K., Nilsson, R.H., et al. [including May, T.] (2021) FungalTraits: a user-friendly traits database of fungi and fungus-like stramenopiles. Fungal Diversity 105: 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-020-00466-2.
Smith, R.L., May, T.W., Kaur, J., Sawbridge, T.I., Mann, R., Pascoe, I. and Edwards, J. (2021). Re-evaluation of the Podosphaera tridactyla species complex in Australia. Journal of Fungi 7, 171: 1–19. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7030171.
Bowd E.J., Banks, S.C., Bissett, A., May, T.W. & Lindenmayer, D.B. (2021). Direct and indirect disturbance impacts in forests. Ecology Letters 24: 1225–1236. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13741
Lücking, R., Aime, M.C., Robbertse, B., Miller, A.N., Aoki, T., Ariyawansa, H.A., Cardinali, G., Crous, P.W., Druzhinina, I.S., Geiser, D.M., Hawksworth, D.L., Hyde, K.D., Irinyi, L., Jeewon, R., Johnston, P.R., Kirk, P.M., Malosso, E., May, T.W., Meyer, W., Nilsson, H.R., Öpik, M., Robert, V., Seifert, K.A., Stadler, M., Thines, M., Vu, D., Yurkov, A.M., Zhang, N. & Schoch, C.L. (2021). Fungal taxonomy and sequence-based nomenclature. Nature Microbiology 6: 540–548. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-021-00888-x
Aime, M.C., Miller, A.N., Aoki, T., Bensch, K., Cai, L., Crous, P.W., Hawksworth, D.L., Hyde, K.D., Kirk, P.M., Lücking, R., May, T.W., Malosso, E., Redhead, S.A., Rossman, A., Stadler, M., Thines, M., Yurkov, A.M., Zhang, N. & Schoch, C.L. (2021). How to publish a new fungal species, or name, version 3.0. IMA Fungus 12:11: 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-021-00063-1
Johnston, P.R., Park, D., Smith, M.E., Mujic, A.B., May, T.W. (2021). Brahmaculus gen. nov. (Leotiomycetes, Chlorociboriaceae). MycoKeys 80: 19–43. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.80.64435
Fernández-López, J., Telleria, M.T., Dueñas, M., May, T. & Martín, M. (2021) DNA barcode analyses improve accuracy in fungal species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution 11: 8993–9009. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7737
Wang, X.-W., May, T.W., Liu, S.-L. & Zhou, L.-W. (2021). Towards a natural classification of Hyphodontia s.l. and the trait evolution of basidiocarps within Hymenochaetales (Basidiomycota). Journal of Fungi 7, 478: 1–81. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7060478
Hayton, J.B., Ward, B.T., Elnaas, A., Zunk, M., Holland, D.C., May, T.W., Voser, T.W., Abitbol, A., Cooper, O., Tiralongo, J., Grice, I.D., Carroll, A.R. & Tiralongo, E. (2021) Isolation of the 3′R and 3′S diastereomers of fasciculic acid C from the Australian mushroom Hypholoma australianum. Tetrahedron Letters 78, 153294: 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2021.153294
Bowd E.J., Banks, S.C., Bissett, A., May, T.W. & Lindenmayer, D.B. (2021). Disturbance alters the forest soil microbiome. Molecular Ecology 31:419–447. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16242
Hao, T., Elith, J., Guillera-Arroita, G., Lahoz-Monfort, J.J. & May. T.W. (2021). Enhancing repository fungal data for biogeographic analyses. Fungal Ecology 53 (article 101097): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2021.101097
Svantesson, S., Syme, K., Douch, J.K., Robinson, R.M & May, T.W. (2021). ”The Mouldy Marshmallow” Amaurodon caeruleocaseus – the first stipitate species in the genus Amaurodon. Sydowia 74: 181–192. https://www.verlag-berger.at/res/user/berger/media/2984.pdf
Arifin, A.R., Reiter, N.H., May, T.W. & Linde, C.C. (2021). New species of Tulasnella associated with Australian terrestrial orchids in the subtribes Megastylidinae and Thelymitrinae. Mycologia 114: 388–412. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2021.2019547
Arifin, A.R., May, T.W. & Linde, C.C. (2020). New species of Tulasnella associated with Australian terrestrial orchids in the Cryptostylidinae and Drakaeinae. Mycologia 113: 212-230. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2020.1813473.
Smith, R.L., May, T.W., Kaur, J., Sawbridge, T., Mann, R. and Edwards, J., 2020. Molecular data from up to 130‐year‐old herbarium specimens do not support the presence of cherry powdery mildew in Australia. Plant Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppa.13316
Crous, P.W. [and 131 authors including Davoodian, N., May, T.W. & Syme, K.] (2020). Fungal Planet description sheets: 1112–1181. Persoonia 45: 251–409.
Dowe, J.L., May, T.W., Maroske, S. & Smith, L.T. (2020). The Wehl family of South Australia and their botanical connections with ‘Dear Uncle’ Baron Ferdinand von Mueller. Swainsona 34, 1–79.
Kõljalg, U, Nilsson, H.R., Schigel, D., Tedersoo, L., Larsson, K.-H., May, T.W., Taylor, A.F.S., Jeppesen, T.S., Frøslev, T.G., Lindahl, B., Põldmaa, K., Saar, I., Suija, A., Savchenko, A., Yatsiuk, I., Adojaan, K., Ivanov, F., Piirmann, T., Pöhönen, R., Zirk, A. and Abarenkov, K. (2020). The taxon hypothesis paradigm – on the unambiguous detection and communication of taxa. Microorganisms 8, 1910; doi:10.3390/microorganisms8121910
Lücking, R., Aime, M.C., Robbertse, B., Miller, A.N. Ariyawansa, H.A., Aoki, T., Cardinali, G., Crous, P.W., Druzhinina, I.S., Geiser, D.M., Hawksworth, D.L., Hyde, K.D., Irinyi, L., Jeewon, R., Johnston, P.R., Kirk, P.M., Malosso, E., May, T.W., Meyer, W., Öpik, M., Robert, V., Seifert, K.A., Stadler, M., Thines, M., Vu, D., Yurkov, A.M., Zhang, N. & Schoch, C.L. (2020). Unambiguous identification of fungi: where do we stand and how accurate and precise is fungal DNA barcoding? IMA Fungus 11,14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-020-00033-z
Smith, R.L., Sawbridge, T., Mann, R., Kaur, J., May, T.W. & Edwards, J. (2020). Rediscovering an old foe: optimised molecular methods for DNA extraction and sequencing applications for fungarium specimens of powdery mildew (Erysiphales). PLoS ONE, 15(5), e0232535.
Hao, T., Guillera-Arroita, G., May, T.W., Lahoz-Monfort, J. & Elith, J. (2019). Using species distribution models for fungi. Fungal Biology Reviews, 34, 74–88.
May, T.W. and Darragh, T.A. (2019). The significance of mycological contributions by Lothar Becker. Historical Records of Australian Science 30, 130–137.Zhou, M., Wang, L., May T.W., Vlasák, J., Chen, J.-J. & Dai, Y.-C. 2019. Phylogeny and diversity of Haploporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota). MycoKeys 54, 77–98.
Svantesson, S., Larsson, K.-H., Kõljalg, U., May, T.W., Cangren, P., Nilsson, R.H. and Larsson, E. 2019. Solving the taxonomic identity of Pseudotomentella tristis s.l. (Thelephorales, Basidiomycota) - a multi-gene phylogeny and taxonomic review, integrating ecological and geographic data. MycoKeys 50, 1–77.
Egidi, E., Wood, J.L., Celestina, C., May, T.W., Mele, P., Edwards, J., Powell, J., Bissett, A. and Franks, A.E. 2019. Delving into the dark ecology: a continent-wide assessment of patterns of composition in soil fungal communities from Australian tussock grasslands. Fungal Ecology 39, 356–370.
May, T.W., Cooper, J.A., Dahlberg, A., Furci, G., Minter, D.W., Mueller, G.M., Pouliot, A. and Yang, Z. 2018. Recognition of the discipline of conservation mycology. Conservation Biology 33, 73–76.
Tedersoo, L., Sanchez Ramirez, S., Kõljalg, U., Bahram, M., Döring, K., Schigel, D., May, T., Ryberg, M. & Abarenkov, K (2018) Classification of higher-level fungal taxa and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses. Fungal Diversity 90, 135–159.
Maroske, S., Janson, S. & May, T.W. (2018). Jean-Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent’s set of Plantae cryptogamicae Arduenna and the importance of mentors and modesty in Marie-Anne Libert’s cryptogamic career. Lejeunia, Revue de Botanique, nouvelle sér. No. 198, 1–40.
Maroske, S., May, T.W., Taylor, A., Vaughan, A. & Lucas, A.M. (2018). On the threshold of mycology: Flora Martin née Campbell (1845–1923). Muelleria 36, 51–73.
Egidi, E., May, T.W. & Franks, A.E. (2018). Seeking the needle in the haystack: undetectability of mycorrhizal fungi outside of the plant rhizosphere associated with an endangered Australian orchid. Fungal Ecology 33, 13–23.
Maroske, S. & May, T.W. (2017). Naming names: the first women taxonomists in mycology. Studies in Mycology 89, 63–84.
Crous, P.W. [and 119 authors including May, T.W.] (2017). Fungal Planet description sheets: 625–715, Persoonia 39, 270-467.
Ribeiro,J.P., Hassan, M.A.A., Rouf, R., Tiralongo, E., May T.W., Day, C.J., Imberty, A., Tiralongo, J., & Varrot, A. (2017). Biophysical characterization and structural determination of the potent cytotoxic Psathyrella asperospora lectin. Proteins 85, 969–975.
Nuske, S.J., Vernes, K., May, T.W., Claridge, A.W., Congdon, B.C., Krockenberger, A. & Abell, S.E. (2017) Data on the fungal species consumed by mammal species in Australia. Data in Brief 12, 251–260.
Linde, C.C., May, T.W., Phillips, R D., Ruibal, M., Smith, L.M. & Peakall, R. (2017). New species of Tulasnella associated with terrestrial orchids in Australia. IMA Fungus 8, 27–47.
Nuske, S.J., Vernes, K., May, T.W., Claridge, A.W., Congdon, B.C., Krockenberger, A. & Abell, S.E. (2017). Redundancy among mammalian fungal dispersers and the importance of declining specialists. Fungal Ecology 27, 1–13.
Egidi, E., McMullan-Fisher, S., Morgan, J., May, T.W., Zeeman, B. & Franks, A. (2016). Fire regime, not time-since-fire, affect soil fungal community diversity and composition in temperate grasslands. FEMS Microbiology Letters 363(fnw196), 1–11.
Sheedy, E.M., Ryberg, M., Lebel, T., May, T.W., Bougher, N.L. & Matheny, P.B. (2016) Dating the emergence of truffle-like fungi in Australia, by using an augmented meta-analysis. Australian Systematic Botany 29, 284–302.
May, T.W., de Beer, Z.W., Crous, P.W., Hawksworth, D.L., Liu, X., Norvell, L.L., Pennycook, S.R., Redhead, S.A. & Seifert, K.A. (2016). (362–363) Proposals to amend the Code to modify its governance with respect to names of organisms treated as fungi. Taxon 65, 918–920.
May, T.W. (2016). Report of the Special Subcommittee on Governance of the Code with Respect to Fungi. Taxon 65, 921–925.
Knapp, S., Turland, N.J., Barkworth, M.E., Barrie, F.R., Fortunato, R.H., Gandhi, K., Gereau, R.E., Greuter, W., Herendeen, P.S., Landrum, L.R., Mabberley, D.J., Marhold, K., May, T.W., Moore, G., Rico Arce, L., Smith, G.F. & Thiele, K. (2016). (286) Proposal to replace Division III of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. Taxon 65, 661–664.
Knapp, S., Turland, N.J., Barkworth, M.E., Barrie, F.R., Fortunato, R.H., Gandhi, K., Gereau, R.E., Greuter, W., Herendeen, P.S., Landrum, L.R., Mabberley, D.J., Marhold, K., May, T.W., Moore, G., Rico Arce, L., Smith, G.F. & Thiele, K. (2016). Report of the Special Committee on By-laws for the Nomenclature Section.Taxon 65, 665–669.
Chapman, T.F., May, T.W., Stefani, F.O.P., Bougher, N.L. & Robinson, R.M. (2015). Fungal hyphae of Coprinopsis sp. found in a bilby (Macrotis lagotis) burrow spoil-mound. Australasian Mycologist 32, 6–9.
Hassan, M.A.A., Rouf, R., Tiralongo, E., May, T.W. and Tiralongo, J. (2015). Mushroom lectins: specificity, structure and bioactivity relevant to human disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16, 7802–7838. doi:10.3390/ijms16047802
Kantvilas, G., Elix, J.A. and May, T.W. (2015). Validation of three new species of Lecidella from Australia. Muelleria 33, 109–110.
Sheedy, E.M., Van de Wouw, A.P., Howlett, B.J. and May, T.W. (2015). Population genetic structure of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria sp. A resembles that of its host tree Nothofagus cunninghamii. Fungal Ecology 13, 23–32. doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2014.08.005
Rouf, R., Stephens, A., Spaan, L., Day, C., May, T.W., Tiralongo, E. and Tiralongo, J. (2014). G2/M cell cycle arrest by an N-acetyl-D glucosamine specific lectin from Psathyrella asperospora. Glycoconjugate Journal 31, 61–70.
Sheedy, E.M., Van de Wouw, A.P., Howlett, B.J. and May, T.W. (2014). Mitochondrial microsatellite markers for the Australian ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria sp. A (Hydnangiaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 2(3) 1300086, 1–4.
Tedersoo, L., Bahram, M., Põlme, S., Kõljalg, U., Yorou, N.S., Wijesundera, R., Villarreal Ruiz, L., Vasco-Palacios, A.M., Thu, P.Q., Suija, A., Smith, M.E., Sharp, C., Saluveer, E., Saitta, A., Rosas, M., Riit, T., Ratkowsky, D., Pritsch, K., Põldmaa, K., Piepenbring, M., Phosri, C., Peterson, M., Parts, K., Pärtel, K., Otsing, E., Nouhra, E., Njouonkou, A.L., Nilsson, R.H., Morgado, L.N., Mayor, J., May, T.W., Majuakim, L., Lodge, D.J., Lee, S.S., Larsson, K.-H., Kohout, P., Hosaka, K., Hiiesalu, I., Henkel, T.W., Harend, H., Guo, L.D., Greslebin, A., Grelet, G., Geml, J., Gates, G., Dunstan, W., Dunk, C., Drenkhan, R., Dearnaley, J., De Kesel, A., Dang, T., Chen, X., Buegger, F., Brearley, F.Q., Bonito, G., Anslan, S., Abell, S. and Abarenkov, K. (2014). Global diversity and geography of soil fungi. Science 346, 1078.
Lebel, T., Dunk, C.W. and May, T.W. (2013). Rediscovery of Multifurca stenophylla (Berk.) T.Lebel, C.W.Dunk & T.W.May comb. nov. (Russulaceae) from Australia. Mycological Progress 12, 497–504.
Sheedy, E.M., Van de Wouw, A.P., Howlett, B.J. and May, T.W. (2013). Multi-gene sequence data reveal cryptic morphological species within the genus Laccaria in southern Australia. Mycologia 105, 547–563.
May, T.W. and McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M. (2012). Don't be afraid of the F-word: prospects for integrating fungi into biodiversity monitoring. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 124, 79–90.
Schoch, C.L., Seifert, K.A., Huhndorf, S., Robert, V., Spuge, J.L., Levesque, C.A., Chen, W. and Fungal Barcoding Consortium [including Griffiths, K., May, T.W. and Stefani, F.O.P.] (2012). Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 6241–6246.
Beattie, K.D., Thompson, D.R., Tiralongo, E., Ratkowsky, D., May, T.W. and Gill, M. (2011). Austrocolorone B and austrocolorin B1, cytotoxic anthracenone dimers from the Tasmanian mushroom Cortinarius vinosipes Gasparini. Tetrahedron Letters 52, 5448–5451.
Beattie, K.D., Ulrich, R., Grice, I.D., Uddin, S.J., Blake, T.B., Wood, K.A., Steele, J., Iu, F., May, T.W. and Tiralongo, E. (2011). Ethanolic and aqueous extracts derived from Australian fungi inhibit cancer cell growth in vitro. Mycologia 103, 485–465.
May, T.W. (2011). An overview of the fungi of Melbourne. Victorian Naturalist 128, 183–197.
McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M., May, T.W., Robinson, R.M., Bell, T.L., Lebel, T., Catcheside, P. and York, A.K. (2011). Fungi and fire in Australian ecosystems: a review of current knowledge, management implications and future directions. Australian Journal of Botany 59, 70–90.
Rouf, R., Tiralongo, E., Krahl, A., Maes, K., Spaan, L., Wolf, S., May, T.W. and Tiralongo, J. (2011). Comparative study of hemagglutination and lectin activity in Australian medicinal mushrooms (higher Basidiomycetes). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 13, 493–504.
Wright, M., Cross, R., Cousens, R.D., May, T.W. and McLean, C.B. (2011). The functional significance for the orchid Caladenia tentaculata of genetic and geographic variation in the mycorrhizal fungus Sebacina vermifera s. lat. complex. Muelleria 29, 130–140.
Beattie, K.D., Raouf, R., Gander, L., May, T.W., Ratkowsky, D., Donner, C.D., Gill, M., Grice, I.D. and Tiralongo, E. (2010). Antibacterial metabolites from Australian macrofungi from the genus Cortinarius. Phytochemistry 71, 948–955.
Hawksworth, D.L., Cooper, J.A., Crous, P.W., Hyde, K.D., Iturriaga, T., Kirk, P.M., Lumbsch, H.T., May, T.W., Minter, D.W., Misra, J.K., Norvell, L., Redhead, S.A., Rossman, A.Y., Seifert, K.A., Stalpers, J.A., Taylor, J.W. and Wingfield, M.J. (2010). Proposals to make the pre-publication deposit of key nomenclatural information in a recognized repository a requirement for valid publication of organisms treated as fungi under the Code. Taxon 59, 660–662.
McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M., Kirkpatrick, J.B., May, T.W. and Pharo, E.J. (2010). Surrogates for macrofungal and mosses in reservation planning. Conservation Biology 24, 730–736.
May, T.W., Sinnott, N. and Sinnott, A. (2010). The truffle-like Protubera canescens is an early developmental stage of the Cage Fungus Ileodictyon. Victorian Naturalist 127, 49–54.
Pouliot, A.M. and May, T.W. (2010). The third ‘F’ – fungi in Australian biodiversity conservation: actions, issues and initiatives. Mycologica Balcanica 7, 41–48.
Tedersoo, L., May, T.W. and Smith, M.E. (2010). Ectomycorrhizal lifestyle in fungi: patterns of evolution and distribution. Mycorrhiza 20, 217–263.
Wright, M., Cross, R., Cousens, R.D., May, T.W. and McLean, C.B. (2010). Taxonomic and functional characterisation of fungi from the Sebacina vermiferacomplex from common and rare orchids in the genus Caladenia. Mycorrhiza 20, 375–390.
Solarska, S., May, T., Roddick, F.A. and Lawrie, A.C. (2009). Isolation and screening of natural organic matter-degrading fungi. Chemosphere 75, 751–758.
Tedersoo, L., Gates, G., Dunk, C.W., Lebel, T., May, T.W., Kõljalg, U. and Jairus, T. (2009). Establishment of ectomycorrhizal fungal community onNothofagus cunninghamii seedlings regenerating on dead wood in Australian wet temperate forests: does fruit-body type matter. Mycorrhiza 19, 403–416.
Bidartondo, M.I. [and 255 other authors including May, T.]. (2008). Preserving accuracy in GenBank. Science 319, 1616.
Jones, R.H. and May, T.W. (2008). Pigment chemistry and morphology support recognition of Cortinarius austrocinnabarinus sp. nov. (Fungi: Cortinariaceae) from Australia. Muelleria 26, 77–87.
Lumbsch, H.T., Buchanan, P.K., May, T.W. and Mueller, G.M. (2008). Phylogeography and biogeography of fungi. Mycological Research 112, 423–424.
Johnston, P.R., May, T.W., Park, D. and Horak, E. (2007). Hypocreopsis amplectens sp. nov., a rare fungus from New Zealand and Australia. New Zealand Journal of Botany 45, 715–719.
Mueller, G.M., Schmit, J.P., Leacock, P.R., Buyck, B., Cifuentes, J., Desjardin, D.E., Halling, R.E., Hjortstam, K., Iturriaga, T., Larsson, K.-H., Lodge, D.J.,May, T.W., Minter, D., Rajchenberg, M., Redhead, S.A., Ryvarden, L., Trappe, J.M., Watling, R. and Wu, Q. (2007). Global diversity and distribution of macrofungi. Biodiversity and Conservation 16, 37–48.
May, T.W., Dunk, C. and Lebel, T. (2006). Austral ectomycorrhizas overlooked. Mycological Research 110, 499–500.
Redhead, S.A., Ginns, J. and May, T.W. (2006). Proposal to conserve the nameAgaricus lepideus against A. suffrutescens (Basidiomycota). Taxon 55, 1030–1032.
Robinson, J.P., MacLeod, D.S., Taylor, D.M., Lebel, T. and May, T.W. (2006). The safety of edible fungi purchased at Melbourne markets. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 30, 279–280.
Sommerville, K. and May, T. (2006). Some taxonomic and ecological notes on the genus Banksiamyces. Victorian Naturalist 123, 366–375.
May, T.W. (2005). From fungs to Fungimap: fungi and the FNCV. Victorian Naturalist 122, 319–326.
Ovenden, S.P.B., Yu, J., Bernays, J., Wan, S.S., Christophidis, L.J., Sberna, G., Tait, R.M., Wildman, H.G., Lebeller, D., Platel, D., May, T.W. and Meurer-Grimes, B.M. (2005). Trichomycins A and B: antibacterial triterpenes from the new species Tricholoma sp. AU1. Journal of Natural Products 68, 409–412.
Buchanan, P.K. and May, T.W. (2003). Conservation of New Zealand and Australian Fungi. New Zealand Journal of Botany 41, 407–421.
May, T.W. (2003). The status of names and records of Australian macrofungi. New Zealand Journal of Botany 41, 379–389.
May, T. (2003). Introduction to 'Biodiversity Symposium Special Issue'. Victorian Naturalist 120, 212–213.
May, T.W. and McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M. (2003). Special issue on Australasian alpine fungi: introduction. Australasian Mycologist 22, 1–3.
May, T., New, T., Walsh, N. and Yen, A. (2003). The Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act and the conservation of lesser known groups of biota. Victorian Naturalist 120, 246–260.
McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M., May, T.W. and Kirkpatrick, J.B. (2003). Some macrofungi from alpine Tasmania. Australasian Mycologist 22, 44–52.
May, T.W. (2002). Where are the short range endemics among Western Australian macrofungi? Australian Systematic Botany 15, 501–511.
McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M., May, T.W. and Keane, P.J. (2002). The macrofungal community and fire in a Mountain Ash forest in southern Australia. Fungal Diversity 10, 57–76.
Packham, J.M., May, T.W., Brown, M.J., Wardlaw, T.J. and Mills, A.K. (2002). Macrofungal diversity and community ecology in mature and regrowth wet eucalypt forest in Tasmania: a multivariate study. Austral Ecology 27, 149–161.
Simpson, J.A. and May, T.W. (2002). Phaeolus schweinitzii in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 31, 99–100.
May, T.W. (2001). Documenting the fungal biodiversity of Australasia: from 1800 to 2000 and beyond. Australian Systematic Botany 14, 329–356.
May, T.W. and Simpson, J. (2001). Preface to 'Biodiversity and biogeography of Australasian fungi' special issue. Australian Systematic Botany 14(3), i–iii.
Hender, E.A., May, T.W. and Beulke, S.H. (2000). Poisoning due to eating fungi in Victoria. Australian Family Physician 29, 1000–1004.
Green, K., Tory, M.K., Mitchell, A.T., Tennant, P. and May, T.W. (1999). The diet of the long-footed potoroo (Potorous longipes). Australian Journal of Ecology 24, 151–156.
May, T. (1998). Introduction to 'Mount Buffalo Centenary Issue'. Victorian Naturalist 115, 158–159.
Brown-May, A. and May, T.W. (1997). 'A mingled yarn': Henry Edwards (thespian & naturalist) in the Austral land of plenty 1853–1866. Historical Records of Australian Science 11, 407–418.
May, T.W. (1997). Introduction to Selected mycological papers from 'The 1996 Commemorative Conferences', Melbourne, 29 September to 5 October 1996. Muelleria 10, 91–93.
Mills, A.K., May, T.W., Fuhrer, B.A., Ratkowsky, D.A. and Ratkowsky, A.V. (1997). Claustula: the forgotten phalloid. Mycologist 11, 31–35.
Tory, M.K., May. T.W., Keane, P.J. and Bennett, A.F. (1997). Mycophagy in small mammals: a comparison of the occurrence and diversity of hypogeal fungi in the diet of the long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus and the bush ratRattus fuscipes from south-western Victoria. Australian Journal of Ecology 22, 460–470.
May, T.W. and Maroske, S. (1996). Ferdinand von Mueller, exhibitioner extraordinaire. Victorian Naturalist 113, 143–145.
May, T.W. (1995). Notes on Protoglossum (Fungi: Cortinariales). Muelleria 8, 287–289.
May, T.W. and Fuhrer, B.A. (1995). Nyctalis paradoxa (Fungi: Agaricales), a new species from Australia. Muelleria 8, 385–390.
May, T.W. and Wood, A.E. (1995). Nomenclatural notes on Australian macrofungi. Mycotaxon 54, 147–150.
Claridge, A.W. and May, T.W. (1994). Mycophagy among Australian mammals. Australian Journal of Ecology 19, 251–275.
Fuhrer, B.A. and May, T.W. (1993). Host specificity of disc-fungi in the genus Banksiamyces on Banksia. Victorian Naturalist 110, 73–75.
May, T.W. and Eichler, J. (1993). A Hypocreopsis (Fungi) from Nyora, Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 110, 76–77.
Watling, R., Gill, M., Giménez, A. and May, T.W. (1992). A new styrylpyrone-containing Cortinarius from Australia. Mycological Research 96, 743–748.
May, T.W. (1989). Report of F.N.C.V. fungal excursions: 1986–1988. Victorian Naturalist 106, 48–58.
May, T.W. and Fuhrer, B.A. (1989). Notes on fungi occurring after fire in Australia. 1. Introduction and description of Gerronema postii. Victorian Naturalist 106, 133–137.
Grgurinovic, C.A. and May, T.W. (1988). First record of Galerina nana from Australia. Mycotaxon 31, 79–84.
Oakeshott, J.G., May, T.W., Gibson, J.B. and Willcocks, D.A. (1982). Resource partitioning in five domestic Drosophila species and its relationship to ethanol metabolism. Australian Journal of Zoology 30, 547–556.
Gibson, J.B., May, T.W. and Wilks, A.V. (1981). Genetic variation at the Alcohol Dehydrogenase locus in Drosophila melanogaster in relation to environmental variation: ethanol levels in breeding sites and allozyme frequencies. Oecologia 51, 191–198.
Pouliot, A. & May, T. (2021). Wild Mushrooming: a Guide for Foragers. CSIRO Publishing: Clayton South.
Turland, N.J., Wiersema, J.H., Barrie, F.R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T.W., McNeill, J., Monro, A.M., Prado, J., Price, M.J. & Smith, G.F. (eds.) (2018). International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Regnum Vegetabile 159. Koeltz Botanical Books: Glashütten.
May, T.W., Milne, J., Shingles, S. and Jones, R.H. (2003). Catalogue and bibliography of Australian fungi. 2. Basidiomycota p.p. & Myxomycota p.p. Fungi of Australia, vol. 2B. ABRS/CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
May, T.W. and Wood, A.E. (1997). Catalogue and bibliography of Australian macrofungi 1. Basidiomycota p.p. Fungi of Australia, vol. 2A. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra.
Scott, G.A.M., Entwisle, T.J., May, T.W. and Stevens, G.N. (eds) (1997). A conservation overview of Australian non-marine lichens, bryophytes, algae and fungi. Environment Australia, Canberra
May, T.W., Bal, P., Hao, T., Muscatello, A., Bowd, E., Catcheside, D.E.A., Catcheside, P.S., Davoodian, N. & Truong, C. (2023). The impacts of the 2019–20 wildfires on Australian fungi. In L. Rumpff, S. Legge, S. van Leeuwen, B. Wintle & J. Woinarski (eds), Australia’s Megafires. Biodiversity Impacts and Lessons from 2019–2020, pp. 185–201. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.)
May, T.W. (2020) Identification of fungi: background, challenges and prospects. In P. Bridge, D. Smith & E. Stackebrandt (eds),Trends in the Systematics of Bacteria and Fungi, pp. 21–29. CABI: Wallingford.
Wilson, A.W., May, T.W. & Mueller, G.M. (2017) Biogeography of the ectomycorrhizal mushroom genus Laccaria. In L. Tedersoo (ed), Biogeography of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Ecological Studies 230, pp. 273-297. (Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland.)
May. T.W. (2017). Biogeography of Australasian fungi: from mycogeography to the mycobiome. In M. Ebach (ed) Handbook of Australasian Biogeography. pp. 155–214. (CRC Press, Boca Raton.)
May, T.W. (2007). Gordon William Beaton. In D. Langmore and D. Bennett (eds), Australian Dictionary of Biography 17, 1881–1990, A–K, p. 78. Melbourne University Press, Carlton.
May, T.W. (2005). Fungi. In A. Brown-May and S. Swain (eds), The Encyclopedia of Melbourne, p. 294. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne.
Grgurinovic, C.A. and May, T.W. (2003). Overview of the Genus Mycena in Australia. In C.A. Grgurinovic, The genus Mycena in southern Australia, pp. 26–48. Fungal Diversity Press, Hong Kong and Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra.
May, T.W. (2003). Conservation of Australian fungi: knowledge is the key. In C.L. Brown, F. Hall and J. Mill (eds), Plant conservation: approaches and techniques from an Australian perspective. Module 9, pp. 1–16. Australian Network for Plant Conservation, Canberra.
May, T.W. (1997). Fungi. In G.A.M. Scott, T.J. Entwisle, T.W. May and G.N. Stevens (eds), A conservation overview of Australian non-marine lichens, bryophytes, algae and fungi, pp. 49–74. Environment Australia, Canberra.
May, T.W. (1997). Laccaria. In C.A. Grgurinovic, Larger fungi of South Australia, pp. 296–310. The Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and State Herbarium and The Flora and Fauna of South Australia Handbooks Committee, Adelaide.
May, T.W. and Simpson, J.A. (1997). Fungal diversity and ecology in eucalypt ecosystems. In J. Williams and J. Woinarski (eds), Eucalypt ecology: individuals to ecosystems, pp. 246–277. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
May, T.W. and Pascoe, I.G. (1996). History of the taxonomic study of Australian Fungi. In Fungi of Australia, vol. 1A, pp. 171–206. ABRS/CSIRO, Australia.
May, T.W. (1990). History of the study of Australian Agaricales. In P.S. Short (ed.), History of systematic botany in Australia, pp. 265–272. Australian Systematic Botany Society, South Yarra.
May, T.W., Bensch, K., Groenewald, J.Z., Houbraken, J. & Rossman, A.Y. (2024). XII International Mycological Congress: report of Congress action on nomenclature proposals relating to fungi. IMA Fungus 15:36: 1–8.
May, T.W. & Hawksworth, D.L. (2024). Proposals for consideration at IMC12 to modify provisions related solely to fungi in Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. IMA Fungus 15:25: 1–14.
May, T.W. & Bensch, K. (2024). Synopsis of proposals on fungal nomenclature: a review of the proposals concerning Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants submitted to the XII International Mycological Congress, 2024. IMA Fungus 15:26: 1–11.
May, T.W. (2024). Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi 24. Taxon 73: 622–630.
May, T.W. (2024) Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi 23. Taxon 73: 281–286.
May, T.W., Bensch, K., Hawksworth, D.L., Lendemer, J., Redhead, S.A. & Turland, N.J. (2023). (290–295) Proposals to amend Division III to create an “Editorial Committee for Fungi” and to shift the timing of appointment of the Deputy Secretary of the Fungal Nomenclature Bureau. Taxon 72: 704–705. https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12960
Thiele, K.R., Applequist, W., Renner, S., May. T.W., Dönmez, A.A., Groom, Q., Lehtonen, A., Maggs, C.A., Malécot, V., Yoon, H.A. (2023) DNA sequences as types: A discussion paper from the Special-purpose Committee established at the XIX International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen, China. Taxon 72: 965–973. https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12931
May, T.W. & Lendemer, J.C. (2023). Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi 22. Taxon 72: 1356–1363. https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.13099
Stalpers, J.A., Redhead, S.A., May, T.W., Rossman, A.Y., Crouch, J.A., Cubeta, M.A., Dai, Y.-C., Kirschner, R., Langer, G.J., Larsson, K.-H., Mack, J., Norvell, L.L., Oberwinkler, F., Papp, V., Roberts, P., Rajchenberg, M., Seifert, K.A. and Thorn, R.G. (2021). Competing sexual-asexual generic names in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota), with recommendations for use. IMA Fungus 12:22: 1–31. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-021-00061-3
May, T.W. (2020). Procedures and timetable for proposals to amend Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. IMA Fungus 11:21, 1–4.
Thines, M., Aoki, T., Crous, P.W., Hyde, K.D., Lücking, R., Malosso, E., May, T.W., Miller, A.N., Redhead, S.A., Yurkov, A.M. & Hawksworth, D.L. (2020) Setting scientific names at all taxonomic ranks in italics facilitates their quick recognition in scientific papers. IMA Fungus 11, 25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-020-00048-6.
May T.W., Redhead, S.A., Bensch, K., Hawksworth, D.L., Lendemer, J., Lombard, L. and Turland, N.J. (2019). Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants as approved by the 11th International Mycological Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 2018. IMA Fungus 10:21, 1–14.
Wiersema, J.H., Turland, N.J., Barrie, F.R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T.W., McNeill, J., Monro, A.M., Prado, J., Price, M.J. & Smith, G.F. (eds.) 2018+ [continuously updated]: International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017: Appendices I–VII. Online at https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/botany/codes-proposals/
May, T.W. and Miller, A.N. (2018). XI International Mycological Congress: Guiding Vote on nomenclature proposals to amend Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, IMA Fungus 9, (xv)–(xxi).
May, T.W. and Redhead, S.A. (2018). Synopsis of proposals on fungal nomenclature: a review of the proposals concerning Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants submitted to the XI International Mycological Congress, 2018. IMA Fungus 9, (ix)–(xiv).
May, T.W., Redhead, S.A., Lombard, L. and Rossman, A.Y. (2018). XI International Mycological Congress: report of Congress action on nomenclature proposals relating to fungi. IMA Fungus 9: (xxii)-(xxvii).
Wiersema, J.H., May, T.W. and Turland, N.J. (2017). Report on corrections and future considerations for Appendices II–VIII of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. Taxon 66, 772–775.
Hawksworth, D.L., May, T.W. and Redhead, S.A. (2017). Fungal nomenclature evolving: changes adopted by the 19th International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen 2017, and procedures for the Fungal Nomenclature Session at the 11th International Mycological Congress in Puerto Rico 2018. IMA Fungus 8, 211-218.
May, T.W. (2017). Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi: 21 – Lists from working groups. Taxon 66, 496–499.
May, T.W. (2017). Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi: 20. Taxon 66, 483–495.
Electronic publications
Dowe, J.L., Maroske, S. & May, T. (2020). Flowers and fungi: illustrations by Ferdinand von Mueller’s nieces. Australian Garden History 32(2), 12–15.
May, T.W. (2019). Unusual species found at Fairy Dell, Fungimap.
May, T.W., Thiele, K., Dunk, C.W. and Lewis, S.H. (2014). FunKey: an Interactive Guide to the Macrofungi of Australia. Key to Agarics. Version 1. [USB.] Identic, Brisbane and ABRS, Canberra.
May, T.W., Milne, J., Wood, A.E., Shingles, S., Jones, R.H. and Neish, P. (2004). Interactive Catalogue of Australian Fungi, version 3.0. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra/Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne.
May, T.W., Milne, J., Wood, A.E., Shingles, S., Jones, R.H. and Neish, P. (2002). Interactive Catalogue of Australian Fungi, version 2.0. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra/Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne.
May, T.W. (1991). A taxonomic study of the Australian species of Laccaria. Ph.D. thesis. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Monash University.
May, T.W. (1980). The distribution of species and phenotypes in an ecological gradient: field and laboratory studies of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. B.Sc.(Hons) thesis. Department of Genetics, University of Melbourne.
Lindsay, A., Robinson, R., May, T.W. and McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M. (2013). Fungimap Guide to Surveying Fungi in Australia, v.1.1. Fungimap Inc., South Yarra.
Catcheside, P., May, T. and Catcheside, D. (2009). The Larger Fungi in Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island. Fungimap Surveys 2008. Report prepared for the Wildlife Conservation Fund and the Native Vegetation Fund, South Australia.
Cargill, C., Makinson, B. and May, T. (2008). Report to Fungal Initiative meeting from Communications Working Group.
May, T., Moore, S. and Tierney, D. (2008). The conservation and management of fungi in New South Wales – issues and recommendations. A Background Paper prepared for the Fungi Initiative.
Ford, S.E. and May, T.W. (eds) (1998). A cryptogamic extravaganza. Report of the FNCV Expedition 22–25 May 1998 to commemorate the centenary of Wilsons Promontory National Park. Field Naturalists Club of Victoria.
May, T.W. and Avram, J. (1997). The Conservation Status and Distribution Macrofungi in Victoria. Report prepared for the Australian Heritage Commission.
May, T.W. (1990). Taxonomic notes on species of Dermocybe and Cortinarius. Appendix to Studies on constituents of the genus Cortinarius. (Giménez, A.J.). (Ph.D. thesis, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Melbourne).
Book reviews
May, T. (2018). Review of ‘Fungi of Australia: Inocybaceae by P. Brandon Matheny & Neale L. Bougher’, Australasian Plant Conservation 26(4): 27.
May, T.W. (2015). Review of ‘Native Plants Hassans Walls Reserve Lithgow’ by S. Lollback, H. Drewe, R. Coveny & K. Durie. Fungimap Newsletter 54, 10-11.
May, T.W. (2009). Review of ‘Dictionary of the fungi, 10th edn’ by P.M. Kirk et al. Australasian Mycologist 28, 70–73.
May, T.W. (2007). Review of Chasing the rain by Taylor F. Lockwood. Fungimap Newsletter 33, 14.
May, T.W. (2007). Review of Checklist dei funghi italiani / Checklist of Italian fungi. Basidiomycetes. Basidiomycota co-ordinated by Silvani Onofri. Mycotaxon 98, 279–282.
May, T.W. (2006). Review of Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota by N.W. Legon & A. Henrici. Mycotaxon 96, 336–342.
May, T.W. (2006). Review of Fungi on trees and shrubs in New Zealand by P.D. Gadgil (in association with M.A. Dick, I.A. Hood & S.R. Pennycook). New Zealand Journal of Botany 44, 233–235.
May, T.W. (2005). Cornucopia of fungi. Review of A field guide to Australian fungi by Bruce Fuhrer. Australian Book Review 274, 62.
May, T.W. (2005). Review of Common mushrooms of the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica by Roy E. Halling & Gregory M. Mueller. Fungimap Newsletter 25, 6.
May, T.W. (2004). Review of An introduction to fungi on wood in Queensland by Ian Hood. Victorian Naturalist 121, 139–140.
May, T.W. (1999). Review of Mushrooms of Northeastern North America by A.E. Bessette, A.R. Bessette & D.W. Fischer. Mycotaxon 71, 510–511.
May, T.W. (1999). Review of Biodiversity of tropical Microfungi edited by K.D. Hyde. Mycotaxon 71, 511–513.
May, T.W. (1998). Review of Fungi of southern Australia by N. Bougher & K. Syme. Victorian Naturalist 115, 62–65.
May, T.W. (1995). Review of Common Australian fungi by Tony Young.Victorian Naturalist 111, 244–246.
May, T.W. (1992). Review of Rainforest fungi of Tasmania and south-east Australia by Bruce Fuhrer & Richard Robinson. Australian Systematic Botany Society, Newsletter 71, 36–38.
Other articles
May, T. (2017). Observations on the ability of members of the general public to identify mushrooms. Fungimap Newsletter 57, 16–17.
May, T. (2017). Towards a Fungimap policy on collecting wild fungi. Fungimap Newsletter 57, 21–22.
May, T.W. & McMullan-Fisher, S.J.M. (2017). Holding on to Tea-tree fingers: a critically endangered fungus, Australasian Plant Conservation 25(3), 8–10.
May, T. (2016). The role of lists from working groups in the transition to one fungus : one name. APPS News 29(3), 32–34.
May, T. (2016). What does the Atlas of Living Australia tell us about the distribution of Mycena interrupta in Queensland and South Australia?, Queensland Mycologist 11(3), 5–9.
Pouliot, A., May, T., McMullan-Fisher, S., Buchanan, P., Allison, L. and Packer, J. (2014). It's time for a Global Strategy for Plant and Fungus Conservation. Australasian Plant Conservation 22(4), 22–23.
May, T. (2014). Bringing mushrooms alive. Botanic News Autumn 2014: 12–13.
May, T. (2012). News about fungal conservation and biodiversity. Fungimap Newsletter 45, 8–9.
Catcheside, P., May, T. and McMullan-Fisher, S. (2011). New targets for Fungimap. Fungimap Newsletter 42, 7–9.
May, T. (2011). Significant changes for fungal nomenclature introduced at the Melbourne International Botanical Congress. APPS News 24(2), 14–15.
May, T.W. (2011). How do fungi fare in Australia's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010–2030? Fungimap Newsletter 44, 6–7.
May, T. (2011). Tea-tree fingers—Hypocreopsis amplectens in Tasmania? The Natural News 47, 10–11.
May, T.W. (2011) Report on the Nomenclature Section of the 18th International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, 18–22 July 2011 especially in relation to the names of fungi. The Queensland Mycologist 6(3/4), 12–14.
May, T.W. (2011). Anemone Stinkhorn Aseroe rubra. Wild 123, 16.
Catcheside, P. and May, T. (2010). Inocybe violaceocaulis in South Australia. Fungimap Newsletter 40, 5–6.
May, T. (2010). The how and why of new target species. Fungimap Bulletin 1, 1–6.
May, T. (2010). Non-target species in the Fungimap database. Fungimap Bulletin 1, 6–7.
May, T. (2010). Fungimap phenology recording. Fungimap Bulletin 1, 7–10.
May, T. (2010). Lichen publications and websites. Fungimap Newsletter 39, 9–10.
May, T. (2010). Articles about fungi in old Australian newspapers. Fungimap Newsletter 40, 7–9.
May, T. and Axford, S. (2010). Is this Australia’s most beautiful fungus? Fungimap Newsletter 39, 10.
May, T. and Catcheside, P. (2010). Introducing five new lichen target species. Fungimap Newsletter 39, 1, 3.
May, T., Catcheside, P., Cranfield, R. and Kantvilas, G. (2010). New lichen targets for Fungimap. Fungimap Newsletter 39, 7–9.
May, T. and George, P. (2009). The Fungimap fact sheet database, Fungimap Newsletter 37, 14.
May, T. (2008). Text versions of Australian fungi protologues. Australasian Mycological Society Newsletter 9, 2.
May, T. (2008). It's raining, it's sporing. Australian Geographic 90, 38–41.
May, T. (2008). President's column. Fungimap Newsletter 34, 1, 3.
May, T. (2008). Fungi records in the middle, at the edge and on the top. Fungimap Newsletter 34, 8.
May, T. (2008). A name and a novel distribution for Hypocreopsis sp. 'Nyora'. Fungimap Newsletter 34, 9.
May, T, (2008). Collating information on fungi in Australian policy and strategy documents. Fungimap Newsletter 36, 3–4.
May, T. (2008). Fungal foray to the Ada Tree, The Junior Naturalist 45(7), 5–6.
May, T.W. (2008). An analysis and a vision for the publishing of plant and fungal taxonomy in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter136, 27–36.
May, T. (2007) From the Editor: introducing 'Grasslands and Grassy Ecosystems', Australasian Plant Conservation 15(3), 1.
May, T. (2007) From the Editor: introducing 'What lies beneath?', Australasian Plant Conservation 15(4), 1–2.
May, T. (2007) From the Editor: taxonomy and plant conservation in this issue of APC, Australasian Plant Conservation 16(1), 5.
May, T. (2006). Fungi in the Tarkine. The Advocate, Burnie. 8 May, p. 13.
May, T. (2006). The Forgotten Flora remembered. Australasian Mycological Society Newsletter 3, 5.
May, T. (2006). From the Editor: introducing 'Conserving Symbioses'.Australasian Plant Conservation 15(2), 1–2.
May, T. (2006). Report on Eighth International Mycological Congress, Cairns, 2006. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 128, 34–35.
May, T. (2006). [Comments on Laetiporus portentosus.] The Bark 8(2), 3.
May, T. (2006). [Notes on species.] In FNCV Fungi Group, FNCV Fungi Group forays 2005, version 2.0 [CD-ROM]. Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, Blackburn.
May, T. (2006). News from the Fungimap President. Tarkine and beyond. Fungimap Newsletter 27, 1, 3.
May, T. (2006). News from the Fungimap President. Fungimap Newsletter 28, 1, 3.
May, T. (2006). News from the Fungimap President. Fungimap Newsletter 29, 1, 3.
May, T. (2006). Vale Pat Jordan. Fungimap Newsletter 29, 3.
Syme, K. and May, T. (2005). Fungi in conservation and management at the catchment and bioregion level. Australasian Plant Conservation 14(1), 8–9.
May, T. (2005). Looking after the bad guys: the conservation of pathogenic fungi. Australasian Plant Conservation 13(4), 20–21.
May, T. (2005). Forgotten flora remembered. Australasian Plant Conservation14(1), 2–3.
May, T. (2005). [Notes on 61 species.] In FNCV Fungi Group, FNCV Fungi Group Forays 2004, version 1.1 [CD-ROM]. Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, Blackburn.
May, T. (2005). News from the Fungimap Convenor. Fungimap Newsletter 24, 1,3.
May, T. (2005). Humongous fungus. Nature Australia 28(5), 78.
May, T. (2005). Donald Bruce Foreman 1945–2004. Victorian Naturalist 122, 34.
May, T.W. (2005). News from the Fungimap President. Fungimap Newsletter25, 1,3.
May, T.W. (2005). News from the Fungimap President. Fungimap Newsletter26, 1,3.
Maroske, S. and May, T. (compilers) (2004). The publications of Sophie C. Ducker. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 120, 22–25.
May, T. (2004). Fungi catalogues for the 21st century. Biologue 29, 10–11.
May, T. (2004). Putting Australian fungi on the map. Botanic News Winter 2004, 5.
May, T. (2004). Spore print. Fungimap Newsletter 21, 7.
May, T. (2004). Spore print. Fungimap Newsletter 22, 7.
May, T. (2004). Fungimap incorporated. Fungimap Newsletter 23, 7.
May, T.W. (2004). Sophie Charlotte Ducker: a mycological appreciation. Australasian Mycologist 23, 108–109.
May, T. and Read, C. (2004). Fungimap colour supplement – II. Fungimap Newsletter 23, 4–6, 9–10.
Read, C. and May, T. (2004). Fungimap – putting Australian fungi on the Map. Naturelink 11(4), 9.
Lebel, T. and May, T. (2003). News from Victoria. RBG Melbourne Fungi Open Day. Fungimap Newsletter 20, 13.
May, T. (2002). President's report. Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Annual Report year ending 31 December 2001. pp. 2–3.
May, T. (2003). Listing of waxcap fungi under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act. Fungimap Newsletter 19, 8.
May. T. (2003). Flavours of Fungimap – colour supplement. Fungimap Newsletter 20, 6–9, 11.
May, T. (2002). The why and how of surveys for fungi – part 1. Fungimap Newsletter 16, 4–5.
May, T. (2002). The why and how of surveys for fungi – part 2. Fungimap Newsletter 17, 3–5.
May, T. (2002). The missing target – Uromyces politus (with notes on other Australian rust fungi). Fungimap Newsletter 18, 4–5.
May, T. (2001). FNCV Presidents Address, 6 May 2001. Did Noah leave anything behind – quality and quantity in relation to Victoria's biodiversity and ecosystems. Field Nats News 100, 5–6.
May, T. (2001). President's report. Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Annual Report year ending 31 December 2000. pp. 2–4.
May, T. (2001). Chocolate truffles – a mystery solved? Fungimap Newsletter15, 3.
May, T. (2001). Giant mushroom – another mystery solved. Fungimap Newsletter 15, 3.
May, T. (2001). Fungi have names too. Nature Australia 27(1), 4–5.
May, T.W. (2001). Notes on Fungimap targets: Podaxis pistillaris and P. beringamensiss. Fungimap Newsletter 14, 3.
May, T.W. (2001). Notes on Fungimap target species. Victorian Naturalist 118, 44–45.
May, T.W. (2000). Telling apart Anemone Fungus and Starfish Fungus.Fungimap Newsletter 13, 3.
May, T.W. (2000). Names changes. 1. Camarophyllus lilacinus. Fungimap Newsletter 13, 3.
May, T. (1999). President's report. Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Annual Report year ending 31 December 1998. pp. 2–5.
May, T.W. (1999). Updates to Fungimap target list: 50 new target species,Fungimap Newsletter 9, 3–8.
May, T.W. (1999). Split Gill as a human pathogen. Fungimap Newsletter 10, 3.
Tonkin, J.E. and May, T.W. (1999). A preliminary bioclimatic analysis of the distribution of Mycena interrupta. Fungimap Newsletter 11, 3–4.
May, T.W. (1998). Fungi. In S.E. Ford and T.W. May (eds), A cryptogamic extravaganza, pp. 11–14. Report of the FNCV Expedition 22–25 May 1998 to commemorate the centenary of Wilsons Promontory National Park. Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, Blackburn.
May, T. (1998). Australian fungi would be better off on another planet. The Web. Newsletter of the Threatened Species Network (Vic) June 1998, [1].
May, T. (1997). Fungi from the 1996 post-conference foray. Australasian Mycological Newsletter 16, 35–37.
May, T. (1997). The Australian Fungal Mapping Scheme – FUNGIMAP. Australasian Mycological Newsletter 16, 38–39.
May, T.W. (1997). Filling the blanks in fungal distribution. Victorian Naturalist 114, 289.
Reichelt, R.C. and May, T.W. (1997). Malleefowl eating fungi and orchid tubers. Victorian Naturalist 114, 198
May, T. (1996). James Hamlyn Willis (1910–1995): a mycological appreciation. Australasian Mycological Newsletter 15, 3–7.
May, T.W. (1996). Can I eat that mushroom? Garden Clippings 91, 3.
Kantvilas, G. and May, T.W. (1995). Marasmiellus affixus (Berk.) Singer, an overlooked basidiolichen. Australasian Lichenological Newsletter 37, 32–34.
May, T.W. (1995). A mycological visit to New Zealand. Australian Mycological Newsletter 14, 27.
May, T.W. (1995). Bruce Fuhrer retires. Australasian Mycological Newsletter14, 43.
May, T.W. (1995). A fungi map for Australia. Field Nats News 35, 7.
May, T.W. (1995). Voucher collections are important. Sydney Fungal Studies Group Newsletter 7(2), 2–3.
May, T. and Grgurinovic, C. (1995). Fungal conservation in Australasia. Fungi and Conservation Newsletter 3, [6].
May, T., Maroske, S. and Sinkora, D. (1995). The mycologist, the baron, his fungi hunters and the mystery artist. Botanic Magazine 6, 36–39.
May, T.W. (compiler) (1994). New taxa, new names and new combinations for Australian non-lichenised fungi, 1990–1992. Australian Mycological Newsletter10, 2–6.
May, T.W. (1994). Conservation reserve for Hypocreopsis. Australian Mycological Newsletter 12, 2.
May, T.W. (1994). Carved bread. Australian Mycological Newsletter 12, 11.
May, T.W. (1994). Mycological meetings. Australian Mycological Newsletter 13, 3–4.
Grgurinovic, C. and May, T. (1993). Australasia. Fungi and Conservation Newsletter 2, [4].
May, T.W. (1993). Mycorrhizas of conifers. Australian Conifer Society Newsletter 12, 17–20.
May, T.W. (1993). Australian fungal collections of Allan Cunningham: are there any? Australian Mycological Newsletter 9, 3.
May, T.W. (compiler) (1993). Literature on Australian fungi for 1992. Australian Mycological Newsletter 9, 4–6.
May, T.W. (1992). The fungal collections of the National Herbarium of Victoria, Melbourne (MEL). A. Overview. Australian Mycological Newsletter 7, 7–10.
May, T.W. (1992). Dictyolus cinnamoneus [cover illustration and caption]. Indigenotes 5(1).
May, T.W. (1992). Dermocybe splendida [cover illustration and caption]. Indigenotes 5(4), 5.
May, T.W. (1992). Bibliographic notes relating to Australian Mycology. Australian Mycological Newsletter 5, 4–5.
Albrecht, D. and May, T. (1989). Fungal finds in the gardens. Pressed Cuttings July 1989, [2–3].
May, T.W. (1989). Suggestions for compiling lists of higher fungi. Sydney Fungal Studies Group Newsletter 1(4), [9–12].