Luke Vaughan
Research Assistant (Taxonomic Mycology)
Luke Vaughan is a Research Assistant interested in the systematics of fungi. He is responsible for supporting and contributing to research projects in taxonomic mycology, with a focus on increasing the rate of documentation of undescribed species from the State Botanical Collection, held in the National Herbarium of Victoria. His key tasks include making macroscopic and microscopic observations of specimens, compiling resulting data into descriptions of novel taxa, along with illustrations and phylogenetic analyses, for formal publication.
Craig S, Vaughan LJ, Holmes GD, May TW (2023) Pseudobaeospora taluna (Fungi: Agaricales) newly described from southern Australia. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 24: 1–16. https://doi.org/10.54102/ajt.yuij6
Lebel T, Douch J, Tegart L, Vaughan LJ, Cooper JA, Nuytinck J (2021) Untangling the Lactifluus clarkeae - Lf. flocktoniae (Russulaceae) species complex in Australasia. Persoonia 47, 1–44. https://doi.org/10.3767/persoonia.2021.47.01
Vaughan LJ (2022) Anna Selmons’ Phanerogamenkeimlinge. Botanic News Spring 2022, 16–17.
Le Get R, Macheda DR, Pacitti E, Vaughan LJ (2021) An update on the Foreign Collection Project at MEL. Australasian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 188, 45–49. https://www.asbs.org.au/newsletter/pdf/21-sep-188.pdf
Macheda DR, Vaughan LJ (2019) Databasing of the global collections at the National Herbarium of Victoria. Australasian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 179, 7–11. http://www.asbs.org.au/newsletter/pdf/19-june-179.pdf