Camille Truong
Research Scientist (Mycologist)
Camille Truong joined RBGV in 2022 as a Research Scientist in Mycology. Her research combines traditional taxonomy with genomics, bioinformatics and community ecology, to bring new insights into the diversity, evolution and ecology of fungi. She has a particular interest in ectomycorrhizal fungi and their functional role in forest soils. Her role includes providing mushroom identifications for the Victorian Poison Identification Center (VPIC) and mentorship to students from the University of Melbourne, La Trobe and Deakin. She also acts in the boards of UNITE, the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks and the Australasian Mycological Society. In 2022, she was awarded a Field Biology Award from the Maxwell-Hanrahan Foundation, as a recognition of her work documenting and advocating for the study and conservation of forest fungi.