Muelleria 42

Muelleria - Vol. 42 (2023–2024)

Where papers in Muelleria are published online prior to the publication of the printed volume, the publication date appears on the first page of the paper.

New combinations in the lichen genus Tasmidella

          Kantvilas, G.

          pp. 3–8

A revised generic circumscription of Exocarpos (Santalaceae), including the transfer of Omphacomeria to Exocarpos

          Pillon, Y., Gotty, K. & Lepschi, J.

          pp. 9–14

Australian cudweed key: An illustrated key to cudweed-like Gnaphaliae and related cushion plants of Australia, with notes on selected taxa

          Schmidt-Lebuhn, A.N.

          pp. 15–32

Oxylobium bracteosum (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae), a new species endemic to Mount Imlay in south-eastern New South Wales

          McDougall, K.L. & Walsh, N.G.

          pp. 33–36

Goodenia elongata Labill. (Goodeniaceae) is not present in South Australia

          Messina, A., Duval, D.J. & Lang, P.J.

          pp. 37–39

Deyeuxia gravida (Poaceae: Agrostidae), a newly described species from Victoria, Australia

          Taylor, C.G. & Walsh, N.

          pp. 40–48

Circumscribing Propolis farinosa (Fungi, Ascomycota) I: Typification and notes on the identity of Propolis alba, a synonym

          Karakehian, J.M. & Miller, A.N.

          pp. 49–62

Circumscribing Propolis farinosa (Fungi, Ascomycota) II: Typification of Tremella saligna, a synonym, based on a study of original material of Albertini & Schweinitz

          Karakehian, J.M., Truong, C., Miller, A.N., & May, T.W.

          pp. 63–71

Two additions to the lichen genus Coenogonium in Tasmania, with a revised key

          Kantvilas, G.

          pp. 72–78