Dig into Design with Bandicoot Biomimicry!

FREE Online Education Event

Biomimicry is the process of using concepts and ideas drawn from nature to solve complex problems.

Local resident of our Cranbourne Gardens, and nationally endangered species, the Southern Brown Bandicoot, will inspire student designs in this engaging STEM Learning online event.

Students will:

  • Discover what biomimicry is and why it is the future of sustainable design.
  • Learn the skills needed to practise biomimicry.
  • Find out the functions of the Southern Brown Bandicoot’s unique features from a Bandicoot expert.
  • Be set up with a design challenge they can dig into in the classroom after the webinar.

Curriculum Links: Integrated STEM, Science, Mathematics, Design & Technologies, and Critical and Creative Thinking

For more information, email biomimicry@rbg.vic.gov.au.