Cultivar Garden
The Cultivar Garden showcases the beauty of Australian cultivars (CULTIvated VARieties), selected on the basis of their ornamental value and propagated to maintain these features. Plants are chosen for this garden based on their reliability as a garden plant and their showy attributes. The mass plantings of single species provide a colourful display throughout the year and is refreshed with new varieties on the market to provide inspiration and ideas for home gardening enthusiasts.
When visiting the Cultivar Garden you'll notice:
- Floral and foliage displays in different colours and textures that are suitable for Melbourne conditions.
- The bold planted rows of this garden are inspired by market gardens, bulb farms and nursery displays.
- A testing site for new introduced cultivars

Notes from the Curator
Kaishan Qu
The Cultivar Garden is designed to showcase floral displays in a bold straight-line pattern. The idea is to conjure the 'feel' of market gardens, bulb farms or lavender farms that display their uniformity with high visual effect. With different colours on display throughout the whole year, the perfect spot for viewing this garden is on the wooden benches at the bottom of the garden, where visitors can enjoy the whole garden arranged in rows and ascending from the lakeside.