Credits for Episode 3
- Renee Wierzbicki, Horticulturist and Curator, Herb and Medicinal Collection, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
- Chris Cole, Director, Melbourne Gardens, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
- Erica Tandori, Artist in Residence, Rossjohn Lab, Monash University
- Sam May, Aboriginal Learning Facilitator, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
- Stu Favilla, Musician and Interaction Designer, Swinburne University of Technology
- Misha Chute, Horticulturist and Curator, Fern Gully, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
- Millie Wee, Horticulturist and Curator, Sensory Garden, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Special thanks to Tim Uebergang; David Plant; In My Nature Forest Therapy guides David and Emma, and participants in Forest Therapy at Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne; teachers Anna Berlin and Penny Latham and the students of 9H Melbourne High School; and the visitors who shared their stories, impressions and observations for this episode.