Lightscape Visual Descriptions

Installation Name: One Small Thing.

A trail of circular light projections on the footpath under your feet. They show organic, brightly coloured patterns that look like a collage of plants. These plants include pink cherry blossoms, green oak leaves, white wildflowers and other plants. Some of the patterns are overlaid with words that say "Change Starts with Us" "Give Bees a Chance" "Nurture Nature" and "Protect our Forests". 

Artist: NOVAK.  


Installation Name: wominjeka. 

2 metre tall block letters that spell the word "Wominjeka" stand tall on your left. They are made of steel and have a blue neon light illuminating the outline, so the word appears to glow. "Wominjeka" means “Welcome” in Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung language.  


Installation Name: Why Don’t You Know Me?  

Light projections on The National Herbarium Building. The building itself is 2 storeys tall, and has a curved, smooth facade. The facade is lit up with black and white images of five different scientific plant specimens. The images are black and white and resemble an x ray. Over the top of the plant images are large red words in block letters. They are the names of the plants in First Nations language. The words change every few seconds and say BUATH, GARAWUN, WULELI and WURRUK. The name of the artwork "Why Don't You Know Me?" is also projected onto the building in large red lettering.  

Artist: Brooke Wandin (Wurundjeri), Zena Cumpston (Barkandji), Madeline Critchley, and Jax Plumley. 


Installation Name: The Ghost of Quercus alba. 

A fallen oak tree trunk with large branches still on the ground surrounding it, lies just off the path in front of you. The stump is approximately 3 metres high, and is lit with bright white light. The canopy of a tall oak tree behind the stump, with full green branches, is lit with a projected image. This image is the branches of the original tree, before it fell. The lighting effect makes the trunk look like it has a living tree still attached to it. 

A fallen oak tree trunk with large branches still on the ground surrounding it, lies just off the path in front of you. The stump is approximately 3 metres high, and is lit with bright white light. Looking closer, there is a projected image of the original canopy of the fallen tree. The full canopy of a tall oak tree behind the stump, with full green branches, is also lit with this silhouette. light. The lighting effect makes the trunk look like it has a living tree still attached to it, creating an eerie ghost of a tree.  

Artist: Mike MacDonald. 


Installation Name: Peonies.

Towering, 3 metre tall, flower sculptures gracefully stretch upwards above you on either side of the path. With a steel stem and soft, papery petals, the petals are illuminated in colour, with a yellow and red centre, and a bright single tone colour on the outer ring. The flowers are different colours - magenta, tangerine, lime, cobalt blue, violet and red. The sculptures line the path above your head to the height of the tree foliage (around 6 metres) in bunches of three flowers.

Artist: TILT.


Installation Name: Fire Garden. 

Two spheres that are 3 metres high sit either side of a tall, thick trunked palm tree. The spheres are hollow in the middle, with a steel frame. Steel cylinders are attached to the frame, each one holding a plume of fire red, vermillion flames. The number of small fires on both spheres makes them look like a large fire ball, giving out a warming glow. Behind the spheres are a row of the same steel cylinders, also holding plumes of flame. They look like flame torches. At the very back of the lawn, there is a ring of cool red lighting.  

Artist: Culture Creative. 


Installation Name: Poem. 

White, cursive words are projected onto the floor of a circular, heritage looking pavilion to the right of the path. The roof has a huge gold ball on the tip. Inside the shelter, the words say a poem - "Know your roots, And grow from them". The poem continues in one line, around the floor in a circular motion, appearing to never end. 

Artist: Kirli Saunders. 


Installation Name: Sea of Light. 

Hundreds of small, round, twinkling lights cover the large, sloping lawn to your right, making the lawn look like a starry night sky. The lights change colour from baby blue, to violet, to magenta, to chilli red, in time to a sound track. The lights are arranged in the shape of an octopus and cover 40 square metres. Bright, white beams of light shine from the top of the lawn down into the Gardens. The surrounding majestic trees are awash with colour from lights below. 

Artist: ITHICA. 


Installation Name: Surfing Birds. 

A flock of magpie sized bird sculptures nestle in the tree branches above you, appearing like they are beginning to take flight out of the tree. The birds are white and brown and look like doves, with an amber glow coming out of their bodies onto their wings. Their bodies are shaped to look like a surfboard.  

Artist: Pitaya. 


Installation Name: On Country.  

2 metre high cylindrical columns are dotted all over the lawn. Approximately 30cm thick, they have a series of bright, patterned artworks on their exterior. The artworks are by First Nations artists, and feature the use of traditional dot painting techniques and other traditional painting techniques. They are lit from the inside and have colours that include ochre, navy blue, white, cadmium orange, canary yellow, magenta, violet, and other earthy tones. 

Artist: Various First Peoples Artists, Torch Project, Installation by Mandylights.


Installation Name: Blossom Walk in the Southern China Collection. 

3 metre tall cherry blossom tree sculptures appear to grow from the the lawn on either side of the path. There are baby pink, small flowers on the trees, that are in fact little lights that glow like Christmas lights. The tree trunks are gnarly and chocolate brown. A carpet of dusty pink flowers are projected onto the footpath ahead of you.  

Artist: Culture Creative.


Installation Name: Light Angles.  

3 metre high poles that look like street lights line the right side of the path. A neon strip of light is attached to them, so the whole pole glows down on you. The lights are multi coloured, including green, red, blue and pink, feeling like a rainbow. They change colour as you walk beneath.  

Artist: Culture Creative. 


Installation Name: Witnesses.  

A small pavilion to the right of the path has words on the back wall of the shelter. The words make up a poem: "think of the memory of trees, shedding bark in layers of memory, back to forest floor to the, underground story of deep time, growth and age flourish and decay, rot and rejuvenation". The words are in block letters and glow a white light.  

Artist: Jeanine Leane. 


Installation Name: First Peoples Melbourne Art Trams x Lightscape.   

2 metre high columns are placed in lines of five or six across the lawn. Approximately 30cm thick, they have a series of bright, patterned artworks on their exterior. The artworks show images of Melbourne, people and birds, and are bright pink, purple, orange, blue and red in colour. The art has also been used to wrap and decorate Melbourne’s trams.  

Rubii Red, Lama Lama, Jay Van Nus, Pibelmun Noongar, Amina Briggs, Boonwurrung/Erub, Installation by Mandylights. 


Installation Name: Urban Forests. 

A small pavilion overlooking the lake to the left of you has words on the inside back wall. The words are on a glass panel that feels like a window. The panel glows a deep purple, feeling like a blacklight, and the words say a poem: "growing strong without notice, weathering each season, sheltering strangers shading streets, anchored deep reaching high, standing still always moving" 

Artist: Jeanine Leane. 


Light Show.  

To your right, bright blue and white light changes rapidly at the back of the lawn, in time with the music.  


Installation Name: Lili.

Five, enormous steel sculptures span across the lawn. They are shaped like lily flowers, appearing to grow from the ground. Each has five, giant petals surrounding three long, steel stems that grow from the centre of the petals. Atop these stems are smaller lily flowers, glowing a warm amber in their centre. The sculptures are a frame only, looking like a line drawing. They are lit from the ground in a warm, red light.

Artist: TILT.


Installation Name: Biyal.  

A large, tall eucalyptus tree looms over the path, stretching to more than 2 storeys high and with a girth of over 1 metre in thickness. Light washes over the tree, projecting letters along the trunk to make a vertical word. The words say biyal - meaning River Red Gum in Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung language.  


Installation Name: Light Lines.  

Long, skinny tubes of light are placed in neat rows in a fanning pattern on the lawn on your right. They form one long row that lines the path to your left. They look and are a similar size to light sabers, and change color, from green to white to yellow. Light moves up and down them in patterns, in time with the music.  

Artist: Culture Creative. 


Installation Name: Poem. 

A small shelter that is shaped like a church sits to the right of the path. The roof is made of timber slats. White, cursive words are projected onto the roof. The words say a poem - "Climb ever to the sun, and have the shadows, fall behind you" 

Artist: Kirli Saunders. 


Installation Name: Winter Cathedral. 

A long tunnel spans the width of the path over your head with a tall, peaked ceiling, shaped like a church. The walls of the tunnel are made of 1000's of bright fairy lights, that encase you in a warm glow as you walk through to the other side. 

Artist: Mandylights. 


Installation Name: Kaleido Walk. 

A bright, kaleidoscope of colour lights the path below your feet, showing large, organic patterns that spin clockwise. The patterns resemble a collage of zebra stripes, and are a variety of colours – including teal, fushcia and neon green. 

Artist: Culture Creative.  


Installation Name: Laser Forest. 

A dense forest of ferns surrounds you with haze all around, feeling like a morning mist. There are lasers coming from inside the forest, glowing an iridescent green. They shine long lines of light in all directions, surrounding you in beams as you walk through.  

Artist: Twenty20 Creative. 


Installation Name: Tree Ray Show. 

Stretching almost 6 storeys tall, skinny, prehistoric palm trees surround you on either side. Long, light saber type lights are attached to the trunk of each of these trees. They glow different colours - including fuschia, turquiose, green, yellow and bright red - and change colour every few seconds. Bright beams of white light travel up and down these, in time with the music.  

Artist: Twenty20 Creative.


Installation Name: Submergence. 

A tunnel stands before you stretches almost 5 metres tall. Inside the tunnel, dangling strands of small circular light bulbs hang from the ceiling, stretching down to almost floor level. It looks like a curtain of jellyfish tentacles. The bulbs change to many different colours at the same time as you move through to the other side, and some turn off. The colours are white, baby blue, aqua, fushcia, and lipstick red. 

Artist: Squid Soup.


Installation Name: The Way We Were & Gifts from the Land. 

2 metre high columns are placed in two rows of 3, on the lawn either side of the path. Approximately 30cm thick, they have a series of bright, patterned artworks on their exterior. On your left, the columns are pink and baby blue, and on your right, they are orange, pink and yellow. They glow from the inside and feature gum leaves, eucalyptus flowers and organic patterns.  

Artist: Samantha Richards, Wurundjeri, Dja Dja Wurrung.   


Installation Name: Twaganin Kirrip. 

Light projects onto The National Herbarium Building to your right, projecting words that say : Twaganin Kirrip. The words have a significant cultural meaning: (Goodbye friend) ‘Twaga’=to go; ‘-in’=you. ‘Kirrip’=friend. There is a faint pattern on the words, making them appear to glow and move.  

Artist: Mandy Nicholson, Wurundjeri.